Inverter Welder vs. Oil-Cooled Welder: What Is Better?

Dreamstime M 102532020

Among welders, there is a lot of argument over whether inverter welders or oil-cooled welders (also known as transformer welders) offer the better option for performing a welding operation. Everybody has a favorite, and both are good options that offer their own set of benefits and drawbacks.  So out of inverter welders and oil-cooled welders, … Continue Reading

How to TIG Weld on a Modern Car

Dreamstime M 157716394

In many cases, TIG welding can be the best choice for automotive welding on a modern car, but there can be some definite drawbacks. So how do you TIG weld on a modern car? The most important aspect of TIG welding on a modern car is protecting the car’s ECM and digital electronics, which can … Continue Reading