Can You Stick Weld Stainless Steel To Mild Steel? Here is how!

Dreamstime S 141913732

As I was looking for more affordable options to stick weld dual-material joints with stainless steel, I came across this question. This article will bundle my research for you. You can stick weld stainless steel to mild steel. It is essential to use the correct electrode. Ideally, using an E309 welding electrode. However, E308 or … Continue Reading

How to Weld Stainless Steel: The Ultimate Guide

Dreamstime M 92159862

Stainless steel is becoming more and more popular as a material in manufacturing. In 2016, 45.8 million metric tons of stainless steel was manufactured worldwide. By 2018, that number rose to 50.7 million. With an increasing amount of stainless steel on the market, stainless steel welding has ramped up as well. The material is strong … Continue Reading

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